Monthly Archives: August 2023

UPOU OVCAA Appoints New A2VCAA for Instruction


The University of the Philippines Open University, through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA), appointed Dr. Aurora V. Lacaste as Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (A2VCAA) for Instruction effective 1 August 2023..   Dr. Lacaste earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology, cum laude, in 2002 and graduated with a Masters degree in Zoology in 2008, both at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). She began her teaching career in the same educational institution, specifically in the Animal Biology Division of the Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS).   She furthered her teaching [...]

UPOU OVCAA Appoints New A2VCAA for Instruction2023-08-16T07:14:56+00:00

UPOU OVCAA Welcomes New PDA for Extension


  The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), specifically the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA), welcomes the new Program Development Associate (PDA) for Extension, Dr. Finaflor F. Taylan.   Dr. Taylan earned her Doctor of Professional Studies degree from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, wherein she received the exemplary Community Service Award.  She is a graduate of Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (magna cum laude) and Masters degree in Social Work from the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD). Dr. Taylan is a faculty member and Program Chair for Social Work in the Faculty of [...]

UPOU OVCAA Welcomes New PDA for Extension2023-08-16T07:41:03+00:00



The UP Scientific Productivity System (SPS) was approved by the Board of Regents in its 1199th meeting in August 2005. The SPS aims to: (1) support the development of science and technology and (2) encourage and reward scientific productivity. Deserving scientists shall be conferred the title “UP Scientist” with a monetary award. (see

Call for UP SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTIVITY SYSTEM (SPS) Applications2023-08-10T08:14:04+00:00

Call for UP RDG Applications


  The RDG is an award to outstanding faculty and REPS researchers who receive invitations or gain acceptance to present their research papers in prestigious international conferences. With the RDG, faculty and REPS researchers are encouraged to conduct and publicize high-quality research that would make the University more visible in the international research community. Participation in international conferences would also expose our faculty and REPS researchers to cutting-edge research, and could provide opportunities to forge collaborations with leading researchers in the world.

Call for UP RDG Applications2023-08-08T00:20:02+00:00

Introduction to No-Code Application Development Workshop


A training session on "Introduction to No-Code Application Development" organized by the Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning (CODTL) will take place face-to-face at the UPOU Sandbox on August 4, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The No-Code Application Development is an approach that allows individuals to create applications without requiring traditional programming knowledge. As part of our commitment to open education, the entire training session will be recorded and converted into Open Educational Resources (OER). Please note that attendance for this training is limited, and we encourage you to confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. To register, [...]

Introduction to No-Code Application Development Workshop2023-08-02T00:28:22+00:00
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