OVCAA relaunches the QASAR blended online training to orient UPOU programs on the preparation of Self-Assessment Reports (SAR) using the ASEAN University Network (AUN)-QA Framework. UPOU participates in the Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-Enhanced Higher Education — an assessment tool for online and open universities aimed to benchmark themselves in a rapidly evolving higher education landscape.

OVCAA facilitates roundtable discussions on microcredentials as means for enhancing access to UPOU and addressing the professional continuing education needs of professionals and other sectors.

OVCAA shall spearhead research and training on the use of immersive technologies to enrich the learning experience of online learners.

OVCAA launches a Research Conversation Series on Open Research as a forum for discussing possibilities and challenges in open science and its attendant values of transparency, scrutiny, critique and reproducibility, equality of opportunities, responsibility, respect and accountability, collaboration, participation and inclusion, flexibility, and sustainability.

UPOU continues to take initiatives for the promotion of ethical values in the conduct of research in the University

OVCAA shall seek ways to address the changing professional development needs of its teachers in online teaching and learning.