General Education (+) Committee

The GE+ Committee shall:

  • Propose policies and procedures in the development and delivery of GE courses and other non-major courses (aka GE+) consistent with UP System policies
  • Support the interdisciplinary nature of GE+ courses by reviewing and endorsing the GE+ course offerings and FIC appointments of the Faculties of Study to the UPOU Chancellor prior to the start of the academic term.
  • Organize faculty development programs, including training, workshops and conferences, on GE+ in coordination with relevant UPOU units
  • Propose information, learning, and other resources in support of GE+ teachers and students
  • Evaluate and process students’ requests, petitions, appeals related to the crediting of GE+ subjects
  • Evaluate and process academic unit’s request for clarification on GE+ policies
  • Conduct monitoring and assessment
  • Review curricular proposals related to GE and endorse accordingly to the UPOU Chancellor for submission to the UP-System GE Council

The General Education (+) Committee Members


Vice Chair

Vice Chair
